Be the One is an app designed to encourage more individuals to join the National Marrow Donor Program registry and stay engaged throughout the process to help give blood cancer patients a second chance at life.

This project is dedicated to the memory of one of my best friends, Janet Liang, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Janet’s story continues to inspire and directly impact the lives of many. 

8 weeks | March - May 2024
My Role:
UX Research, UX Design, Content Design, Product & Program Management

Competitive Research

Conducted SWOT Analysis reviewing two direct and two indirect competitors, in addition to conducting a Heuristic Evaluation leveraging Jakob Nielsen’s 10 Usability Heuristics and severity rating as a framework.

User Insights
After conducting user research, I created an affinity map and discovered important key insights that validated some of my assumptions and helped me focus on clear user pain points, goals and solutions. These insights informed how I defined my user personas, user flows and user journeys. 

Pain Points
  • Uneducated about the donation process
  • Reluctant to send DNA data / privacy concerns
  • Make it personal and relevant to their own lived experience

Suggested Solutions
  • Humanizing the mission
  • Sharing stories of patients and donors
  • Frame as opportunity vs ask


Design, Test, Iterate
After the define stage, I started to design low, mid, high-fidelity wireframes and prototypes, while continuously iterating and testing my designs by conducting two usability tests. Taking an agile approach to design, helped me move fast, learn more, and build a product that prioritized the needs of users. 

High-Fidelity Prototype
Click here to watch a demo

“Live life without hestitation, as if each day was your last.”
 — Janet Liang